Click on a project to view more.

Commission status: closed*

*If you're intrested in getting a commission from me, please get in contact or use the form below, and you'll be put on a waitlist for the next opening

Please read my terms of service before requesting a commission

Click on a commission option to learn more!NOTICE: The prices provided are starting values and may increase depending on the details of the commission or the subject being drawn.


[CLOSED] scenes


[CLOSED] comics


Telegram Stickers

Reference Sheets

character designs

Like what you see? Then get a commission!

I'm currently closed to any commissions, concept, or design opportunities. However, still feel free to email or send me a private message on any of my social medias. Should you need something that isn't listed here, don't be afraid to get in contact and ask for a quote!

Fullbody Illustrations

- Sketch: £30
(+£10 for colour and rough shading)
- Flat-Colours: £50
- Rendered: £70

Starting price is for one character. Cost for additional characters will vary depending on the finish level:- Sketch: +£10 per character
- Flat-Coloured: +£15 per character
- Rendered: +£20 per character
A dynamic, illustrated fullbody of your character finished to the level of your choice.Props, complex character designs, wings, horns, and accessories are all subject to additional fees and will increase the price of the commission.

You may also like:

Scenes - £90+

Icons - £30+

character designs - £60+

Telegram Stickers - £10+

[CLOSED] Scenes - £90+

A fully rendered illustration of your character in a detailed environment.The starting price includes a single fullbody in a simple natural environment. Final price will depend on the amount of detail in the scene and the character-to-background ratio. The fee for additional characters will be considered on a case-by-case basis, usually around £20.Props, complex character designs, wings, horns, and accessories are all subject to additional fees (per character) and will increase the price of the commission.

You may also like:

Portraits - £55

Icons - £30+

Comics - £120+

Fullbodies - £30+

Portraits - £55

A fully rendered portrait of your character from the waist up with an abstract background.Single Character OnlyProps, complex character designs, wings, horns, and accessories are all subject to additional fees (per character) and will increase the price of the commission.

You may also like:

Scenes - £90+

Icons - £30+

character designs - £60+

Fullbodies - £30+

[CLOSED] Comics - £120+

A digital comic following the short story of your choice.The starting price includes a single page featuring 2 characters in a simple natural environment. Final price will depend on the amount of pages and the complexity of the scenes/settings.Please get in contact for a full quote.Props, complex character designs, wings, horns, and accessories are all subject to additional fees (per character) and will increase the price of the commission.

You may also like:

character designs - £60+

Reference Sheets - £80+

Scenes - £90+

Fullbodies - £30+


- Normal Icon (first 3): £30
- Chaos Icon (last 3): £40

A fully rendered social media icon of your character in the style of your choice.Single Character OnlyProps, complex character designs, wings, horns, and accessories are all subject to additional fees (per character) and will increase the price of the commission.

You may also like:

Scenes - £90+

Portraits - £55

Fullbodies - £30+

Telegram Stickers - £10+

Telegram Stickers

- Simple (Headshots): £10
- Complex (Half/Fullbody): £12
- Duo (YCH/2 Character Stickers): £15

Prices listed are per sticker. +£3 per additional character (after duo stickers).Sticker packs for both the original HD stickers and 512px x 512px re-sized versions will be provided.Props, complex character designs, wings, horns, and accessories are all subject to additional fees (per character) and will increase the price of the commission.Other "sticker" applications such as Emotes or Youtube Stills can also be commissioned.

You may also like:

Fullbodies - £30+

Icons - £30+

character designs - £60+

Reference Sheets - £80+

Character Designs

- Ferals: £60+
- Anthros: £70+

An original character design for a custom OC/character.Starting price includes a character with simple markings and no accessories, wings, horns, or other traits.Props, complex ideas/silhouettes/markings, wings, horns, and accessories will increase the price of the commission.Finished design comes with a coloured sketch.Please get in contact for a full quote.Reference sheets are half-price (£40) when bought with a character design.

You may also like:

Reference Sheets - £80+

Fullbodies - £30+

Icons - £30+

Comics - £120+

Reference Sheets - £80

Starting price includes a front and back view along with a pallet and general character information.Add-Ons:
- +£20 for 2 extra expressions OR an extra clothed view (can be unclothed)
- +£40 for BOTH options
Props, complex character designs, wings, horns, and accessories are all subject to additional fees and will increase the price of the commission.Reference Sheets are half-price when bought with a character design.

You may also like:

character designs - £60+

Fullbodies - £30+

Scenes - £90+

Telegram Stickers - £10+

Creative, ambitious and

Insane in the membrane

Determined and detail-oriented, (with a strong love for the weird and unknown); I’m a digital illustrator, programmer, comic, and concept artist toiling away within the boroughs of England.

From Dogs, to original species, to an all-out war based on the conflict of insatiable desires, I'll draw anything and everything that spawns from the ever-expanding canyon of my dreams.For the past 2 years, I've been freelancing with the dreams of someday becoming a concept/character artist. My passion for creation knows no bounds. Be it music, animations, games and more, I'll take any opportunity I can get to create worlds booming with endless possibilities.

Want To Work With Me ?

Then get in touch! You can find me on social media @kaladania


  • I have full right to edit my terms of services and prices at any time I wish.

  • I have the right to decline a commission for any reason, especially if it goes against my terms.

  • I retain all rights to my work, which include (but are not limited to) the right to use said artwork for self-promotion and upload it to any of my personal galleries or portfolio.

  • I have the right to repurpose any rejected designs, thumbnails, or sketches for future works, adopts, and/or commissions.

  • You have the right to use your commission for any personal use you want (avatars, wallpapers, icons, profile pictures, etc.) as long as proper credit is given. Under no circumstances does this right extend to commercial use (unless agreed beforehand).


  • Characters with wings, weapons, outfits, detailed accessories, or complex anatomy/markings are subject to an additional fee (per criteria met).

  • The price of scenes or comics will vary depending on the complexity - and number - of backgrounds.

  • The price of a sticker may increase depending on the pose requested.

[Will Draw]

  • Animals

  • Humans

  • Dragons & other mythical creatures

  • OCs & Fursonas

  • Pets

  • Fandom Characters (done so in my own style)

  • Mild Gore

  • Semi-complex machinery (please provide clear examples, preferably of multiple angles)

[Won't Draw]

  • Political, explicit, or Heavy NSFW Content

  • Racism, homophobia, transphobia, incest, pedophilia, etc.

  • Fetishes

  • Extreme Gore

  • Heavily detailed machinery, accessories, or outfits

  • Insecta/Bug-Like

[Payments and Refunds]

  • Payments must be made in GBP (Great British Pounds) via invoice.

  • Payments must be made in full before the commission can be started.

  • You will receive a refund of 50% of your commission should you decide to cancel before the sketch is finalised. Once the sketch is approved, you may only receive a refund of up to 20% (depending on how close the commission is to being completed).


  • Turnaround times for artworks can vary depending on commission type and character complexity - averaging between 1 - 3 months. Scene, Comic and Character Design commissions can have a waiting period of up to 6 - 8 months.

  • I cannot guarantee that I will finish your commission on a specified deadline. However, I will try my best to meet any reasonable time frame you have in mind.

  • Works in progress and snapshots can be provided at any time you request.

  • A clear (preferably unshaded) image or reference of the character(s) must be provided for the commission. Should this not happen, I will limit the number of changes I allow to be made to the character's design or pallet depending on the clarity of the image.

  • In regards to traditional references, to prevent the above restriction from taking place, a digital colour pallet must be provided.

  • Once a thumbnail is approved, the pose/layout of a commission cannot be changed. To avoid any complications in the future, if you have a specific pose in mind, please say so beforehand.

  • Once the sketch is approved, no major changes are allowed to be made to the commission (this includes the repositioning of limbs, changes to the background, or added objects/details). That being said, I will allow small edits to character(s) pallets and small/simple markings (unless a clear reference is not provided, in which case these edits will be limited).

  • In addition to the above, (and in order to achieve as much accuracy as possible toward your desired results), please also include the mood of the piece, the time of day (for comics or scenes), and possible expressions you would like your character to have.

  • Once the commission is completed, a PNG file will be sent to the email you provide. If the commission is going to be used for something requiring specific dimensions (i.e. wallpapers, profile pictures, banners, etc), please tell me beforehand and I will try my best to provide an additional version with the required dimensions.

  • I will not restart or create a new artwork after the sketch is accepted.

Nothing to see :)

What would you do to fulfill your deepest desires?

Into the Beyond is a passion project revolving around a series of Adventure-Fantasy graphic novels. The story follows the misadventures of Jonah and RJ - two renegades on a quest to find a way to break Jonah’s curse. Birthed from love and interest in philosophy, the series of graphic novels serve as a cautionary tale of the limits of desire's obsession, and the drive to survive in a world that was not made for them.


The world of the Beyond is one of drive and passion. In an environment where the will to survive is the anthem of many, desires and its vices are the key instigators of the many myths and legends found in the Wilde Hollow. Inspired by the concept of The Seven Sins, the story aims to explore to what extent will people go through to fulfill their desires, along with how this impacts both their morals and the choices they make on the paths to becoming protagonists and antagonists; heroes and villains.

Such choices are embodied by Desire’s Vices, ancient artifacts said to have the ability to fulfill the wants and wishes of anybody attracted to them. Scattered around the hollow by a mastermind hell-bent on using them for his own desires, the vices are the keys to satisfaction, sought after by both protagonists, antagonists, and villains alike. But - they also serve as a window into the minds of their wilders, showing the truths behind what they desire and the sins their passion will come to bear...


Various storyboards from the prologue and first chapter

Colour Keys

Animated trailer

In terms of its ideas and scripts, Into the Beyond was also written in a way that makes it easily transferable into an animated series, with both character designs and major set-pieces revolving around key aspects that mean they can be effectively simplified to mesh better with the animation pipeline (all without taking away from the impact of the original designs). Each chapter is written in the form of two parts, allowing them easily be placed into 30 - 40 minute episodes (each of which represents one chapter); leading to 7 episodes in the Season with up to 15 minutes of content before ad breaks.CONTENT WARNING: The following animation features Disney's "Ready as I'll ever be" as its soundtrack.

Development &
other concepts

What does it take to be a good leader?

The Four Leaders is a children's story following the discussions of four woodland animals as they debate over which of their parents is the greatest ruler in the land.The story aims to teach children different qualities that a good leader needs to have. It aims to disprove the idea that in order to be a successful leader, you have to be the most powerful or strongest in the group. Instead, highlights that each leader can not only shine in their own way, but also possess qualities that make them more suited for the responsibility.

view the full story

meet the leaders

the wolf king

The calm and witty wolf with a knack for dad jokes. While he may not be fearful in appearance, his tactical mind and logical way of thinking earned him the honour of becoming the leader of his pack.Over the years, his knowledge and introspection turned him into 'The Voice of the Wind'; a canine titan whose howls were as smooth as the midnight breeze.

the Lion king

The bold and friendly lion whose heart is almost as large as his mane. Of all the four leaders, his feats are the most under-emphasised.To many, he was seen as second-rate, not as calculated as the wolf, as swift as the eagle or as sensitive as the deer. Despite this, he is never swayed in his confidence, proving himself through his everlasting determination and courage in order to become the leader of his pride.Over the years, his unwavering loyalty to his cause bred respect among his peers, who idolised his kind spirit and perseverance. This motivational presence turned him into ' The Face of the Flame'; a feline titan whose spirit was as bright as the embers that illuminated the grasslands

the Eagle Queen

The hyperactive and inquisitive golden eagle whose spirit knows no bounds. Being the smallest of the four leaders has also left her to be the most agile. At high speeds, she rushes through the land, encountering new experiences wherever she goes.While not always a part of her taste, her vast encounters and knowledge of the animal kingdom's different cultures earned her the honour of becoming the leader of her convocation; and even the avian ambassador.Such a reputation turned her into 'The Charter of Storms'; an Avian titan whose movements were as vast as the clouds that stretched over the earth.

the deer prince

The quiet and excitable deer whose incredible patience could even outlast that of a tree! Since he's the only prey of the group, he's learnt to keep his wits about him, relying on foresight alone to deal with a situation (instead of impulsive force). Despite his timid nature, his pacifism and kindness led others to see him as the leader of their herd.But his greatest feat by far is his caution. Unfazed by what others think of him, he is not afraid to leave a battle when the time comes, claiming that knowing there were little-to-no unnecessary injuries was enough of a victory.This claim became known as 'The Gift of Nature's Kindness'; gifted to an Ungulate titan whose trails left nothing but new life and prosperity.


Commissions are Closed!

Find a piece you like or just want something similar? Then get in touch!

Krisis in Kaladania is an original 2-minute animatic & theme song following the misadventures of Kaladin - a reckless yet unusually energetic bandit as he tries to escape the pursuing arm of the law.


Character Design Evolution

Koo-Koo Krazy

Character Design for a potential series of animated cartoon shorts inspired by C2C's "Happy"(feat. Derek Martin)

In preparation for the invasion of Earth, a Council of Aliens decided they would first proceed with research on the planet's mightiest weapons.Dead-set on acquiring a nuclear bomb for research, they instead manage to acquire... a chicken (why a stray chicken was wandering near a bomb site, history will never know. Apparently, it was somebody's lunch).Convinced that this chicken was Earth's ultimate weapon, the Aliens abducted the poultry in order to analyse it. With their new weapon blueprint ready, the Aliens prepped their genetic compiler, all set to turn one of their soldiers into the Galaxy's greatest bio-weapon.Instead, they got a blob. A blob with the mind of a chicken. As it turns out, bird DNA is genetically incompatible with Alien DNA.Go figure.Appalled with what they created, the Aliens cast the blob into space, only for it to get unknowingly tangled in the Earth's gravitational pull, drawing it back to earth. Despite being a barely conscious piece of jello, the blob still had one brain cell left; programmed with the only thing it knows how to do:Dominate the World.Days have passed and, unsure why the town they were initially surveying was on high alert, the Aliens return to find that the blob has brought nothing but mindless stupidity and chaos. Realising that this specimen might ruin their plans (by revealing their existence), the Aliens race to retrieve their experiment before their cover is blown.But that might be a little hard to do when your target is just so

Koo. Koo. Krazy!



Character modelling

Flames of a new beginning

As a way to motivate myself - and to objectively see how much I have improved - I annually redraw my first piece of digital art

Illias Belladonna

A Character Design Commission for a Client on Discord


The Kid who wanted to become A King

Character Design proof-of-concept for a potential graphic novel

Born in a world where power is money, predators rule with an iron fist; those who can't compete are doomed to a life of servitude. Various prey (and even some small predators) are forced to work menial jobs just to barely get by. But even in the quietest areas, cruelty still runs rampant - as predators regularly descend into ghettos and poorer towns to snack on its residents (with some prey being born and raised specifically with the prospect of someday being killed and eaten).Tired of the menial life his forced to live, farm stock Tobias decides that enough is enough. Why should he be forced to waste his gifts and talents by sitting idly by, waiting for the farm owners to finally choose him to be eaten? On the eve of his 17th birthday, Tobias escapes and sets out to live a life he feels he deserves - but to do so would require wits, skills and the drive to survive in a world that was not designed for him.

Cast your vote to save the world! The increasing instability of Time, Space, Life, Death, and Soul has caused them to take on physical forms, threatening the integrity of the universe. But somehow, humanity has found a way to dominate ONE of these literal forces of nature. But to kill them means erasing the concept in which they embody. Would you kill death? Erase time?Because they refuse to be the ones responsible for dramatically altering the universe itself, the governments of the world have decided to put it to the vote. You, the population, must choose which cosmic concept to remove from the world.Which future will you choose?



"When confronted, the hourglass-shaped sacks on its front will release venom, not resulting in death (as that doesn't interest it) but rather introducing hallucinogens into their system. These hallucinogens will cause the exotic patterns on its frills - resembling the Rosarch Test - to appear to morph into objects of your past, spiraling further to trap you in a nostalgic state.A single moment in time; forever."


"Being the physical embodiment of space, the 'Beast Between Worlds' is a titan in every sense of the word. Towering over nearby mountains and continents, it uses its massive hind-arms to hold up the 5th dimensions; acting as a pillar separating the two planes of existence.However, don't mistake its statue-like posture for serenity, as those who get too close to this cosmic gargoyle are immediately grabbed and thrust into the 5th dimension; sentenced to live out the rest of their life watching the world from an outsider's perspective."


"A noble spirit who takes its role as the physical embodiment of life almost as seriously as it takes its appearance. With help from the constant meals of fish supplied by its tail, this vain yet intelligent creature produces an abundant amount of oil known for its otherworldly beautification qualities; especially when used on humans.Thanks to this, the beast becomes a sensation overnight; its oil being sold in stores worldwide. However, scientists have reported grave consequences from repeated exposure; from hormonal imbalances, to - inevitably - infertility."


"Death has taken many forms throughout history, and this is not one of them. A scab notorious for apathetically taking the Reaper's kills, 'Death's Blackleg' is largely indifferent to the cycle of life. It lurks around hospitals and morgues, feeding on the dying; its saliva passes blood and cells into the body of its victims.However, despite its appearance, the physical embodiment of Death is actually an extremely healthy being. Constant exposure to disease causes the creature's internal defenses to train themselves to overcome most injuries and epidemics; all of which are passed through its saliva into the newly created wounds of its victims. As a result, encounters with this creature have led to miraculous recoveries almost overnight; with exponentially increasing life spans and bodies that grow able to defend against death itself."


Interestingly, it is unknown if the physical embodiment of soul even has one. A creature of many forms, it hides behind a malleable, gelatinous puppet, using its multitudes of limbs and tentacles to blend in with neighboring species. In situations where mimicking a form poses too challenging, the creature will down itself in secreted jelly, using its antennae to mold itself into mimicry of its adversary.The skills of the creature should not be underestimated, as numerous concerns have grown over reported extinct wildlife citings revealed to be the creature in disguise. Animals thought biologically impossible for the creature to mimic.

The election Brochure

GIF Testing

The Miami Lion

A Portrait Commission for a Client on Telegram

Party in the middle of nowhere!

A festive piece of concept art to test lighting techniques and push the style of the 'Into the Beyond' project

View the full project

Into the Beyond is a passion project revolving around a series of Adventure-Fantasy graphic novels. The story follows the misadventures of Jonah and RJ - two renegades on a quest to find a way to break Jonah’s curse. Birthed from love and interest in philosophy, the series of graphic novels serve as a cautionary tale on the limits of desire's obsession, the concept of anthropomorphism, and the drive to survive in a world that was not made for them.


A study on background composition, rendering and cinematic lighting

Album Covers

Various album covers I've done for Immute and Soloman


A Duo Fullbody Commission done for a client on Telegram